Newborn & Infant Care

Congratulations on the arrival of your new baby (or babies)! If this is your first, you may be apprehensive — but remember that your most valuable resource is your own common sense. At Chapel Hill Pediatrics and Adolescents, we provide advice, reassurance and, in the face of often differing opinions from friends and family, help with decisions regarding the care of your baby.

Newborn Healthcare: In the Hospital & After

Chapel Hill Pediatrics and Adolescents want to make sure that you have the best experience possible in the hospital, and after in checkups with our pediatricians. We’ve provided the steps below to outline what you can expect from your healthcare providers through delivery and after. We’ve also included recommendations for important steps you should take to make sure the experience goes smoothly.

  1. Before Delivery: Notify the hospital staff that you plan to be followed by Chapel Hill Pediatrics and Adolescents and provide them with your primary care pediatrician’s name.
  2. During Your Hospital Stay: The hospital pediatrician on-call for the day will examine your baby each morning that you are in the hospital and will visit with you after examining your baby.
  3. When Leaving the Hospital: At the time of discharge, the hospital’s doctor will let you know when to follow up with your pediatrician. Please request your child’s newborn discharge information from the hospital and bring this information to your first appointment with us.
  4. Following Up with Chapel Hill Pediatrics and Adolescents: We recommend that all newborns follow up within one to two days after discharge from the hospital.

To schedule this first visit with your primary care pediatrician, call us at (919) 942-4173 during office hours. Let the staff member know that you need to schedule a hospital to follow up for a newborn baby and you will be scheduled for an appointment in 24-48 hours as requested (available seven days/week).

Babies who are born needing significant medical intervention will be cared for by the specially trained neonatal staff at each hospital in their special care nursery. If you plan to follow up with Chapel Hill Pediatrics and Adolescents and your baby is admitted to the special care nursery, please call our office and ask our staff to notify our on-call pediatrician.

Newborn Health Questions? Our Chapel Hill Pediatricians Listen & Answer

Throughout your years as a parent, remember that children of all ages have their own individual personalities and behavior patterns. Babies enter this world with their own unique temperament, and comparing your infant’s development with that of other like-aged children can be concerning as easily as it can be reassuring. We can help you get the answers and information you need to have peace of mind that comes with knowing your baby is receiving the right medical care.

As questions arise, please know that members of Chapel Hill Pediatrics and Adolescents look forward to discussing them with you. We can help you wade through what may feel like piles of information to find the right solution for your newborn, family and circumstances. Our advice nurses can quickly answer your questions and point you to helpful patient resources and information.

Immunization Schedule

BIRTH – Hepatitis B*

2 MONTHS – Pediarix (DTap, Hep B, Polio)* Rotavirus, Prevnar 13, HIB*

4 MONTHS – Pediarix*, Rotavirus, Prevnar 13, HIB*

6 MONTHS – Pediarix*, Rotavirus, Prevnar 13

12 MONTHS – MMR*, Varivax (Varicella)*, Hepatitis A

15 MONTHS – HIB*, Prevnar 13


24 MONTHS – Hepatitis A

4-6 YEARS – MMR*, Varivax*, Kinrix (DTaP, Polio)*

11+ YEARS – TDaP*, Menveo, HPV (3 dose series), Bexsero (2 dose series)

YEARLY – Influenza (Injection ONLY)

* North Carolina School Entry Requirement